Rennes - 41km
Discover our 5 hotels near Rennes.
Credit cards accepted in all hotels are VISA and Mastercard. Some establishments accept Diners Club, JCB and American Express cards. The credit card is used to guarantee your reservation. No debit will be made online except for special offers, in immediate prepayment.
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All the pricing and availability information presented on our website is updated in real time. This way you have the guarantee of availability at the time of your reservation.
Except for non-modifiable, non-cancellable offers, cancellations are not subject to a fee if they are made within the time limit of the Booking. Cancellations after this period will be charged a fee equal to the amount of the first night.
Located 1 km from the Château de Fougères, just off the N12 and the A84/E03 motorway, the Brit Hotel de Fougères was completely renovated in 2021 and has 63 spacious, modern, air-conditioned rooms measuring 19m2, including 2 suites measuring 40m2 with terraces. You can enjoy very large 50-inch televisions for incomparable viewing comfort.
There's also a lounge area with a cocktail bar, where you can sip a glass of champagne, a glass of wine or a cocktail for a complete change of scene.
Access to our facilities and treatments can be booked online by clicking HERE!
Our hotel in Fougères also offers a range of practical services, including free private parking with electric hook-ups and a breakfast featuring a wide range of local products... A function room is also available for half-day or full-day seminars, cocktails and other events.
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
For the organisation of your meetings, seminars or training sessions in Fougères, the Brit Hotel Piscine & Spa - Fougères has 2 fully equipped meeting rooms.
Take advantage of our fitness room and wellness area with heated outdoor swimming pool, sauna, hammam and jacuzzi.
Convinced? Then don't hesitate, book your stay in our hotel spa in Fougères now!
Our hotel is open 24 hours a day.
Animals are not allowed in our hotel.
Yes, the hotel have a private, closed and secure parking.
No, but there is a partner restaurant not far from our establishment.
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